
Being built on top of HTTP, all web APIs use URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) in some way. As the name suggests, they are a standard way of locating resources, which is a ‘thing’ which can accept or provide data.

There are three main patterns in URL layout, which I have termed Single Endpoint, Function Endpoint, and RFC-3986 Style.

Single Endpoint

A Single Endpoint API is where all access is performed by communication through a single endpoint – that is, one URL – no matter what you are doing with it. Adding query arguments to requests to this endpoint then indicate what function should be run and what data to operate on.

Since a single endpoint is used, the whole service is a single ‘resource’. This is more akin to a remote procedure call interface than a REST-style web interface.

Real World Example: Linode

The Linode API uses this structure, with their API endpoint at

Using it involves GET/POST requests to this URL, with an api_action query argument that denotes which ‘function’ to run. Arguments to the function specified are then given by additional query arguments.

An example of an API request that runs the test.echo function with the API key SECRETKEY is:

$ curl "" \
      -d "api_key=SECRETKEY" \
      -d "api_action=test.echo" \
      -d "foo=bar"

You can see the full teardown and analysis of the DNS Manager portion of this API at Deconstructing the Linode DNSManager API.

Function Endpoint

An API where there are multiple endpoints, each providing a function to run. Query arguments are then added to these endpoints, specifying what data or identifier to operate on.

This layout is similar to Single Endpoint, but instead of specifying what function to run by a query argument, it is encoded in the URL.

Example: Blog

Imagine a blog which uses this structure. They have an endpoint for creating blog posts at, and an endpoint to delete a post at

To create a post, this API request may be used:

$ curl ""

This would create a blog post on this service, and somehow return some kind of ID for the new post. To delete it, they would then use this request:

$ curl ""

RFC-3986 Style

An API which is laid out in the vein of RFC 3986. This is characterised by object types and identifiers being in the URL.

Laid out like this, it allows a single record of data to be referred to entirely in the URL. Most uses of this style of API are data-driven – when clients put information into the system, actions which handle new/changed data are run implicitly. When ‘functions’ are required, they are usually handled by a resource that accepts POST requests.

Real World Example: Stripe

The Stripe API uses this system. Stripe is a payment processor, allowing companies to process credit card payments over the internet.

An example of this API is given in their docs, displayed here. This example creates a new customer, using the API key sk_test_BQokikJOvBiI2HlWgH4olfQ2 (with no password, as Stripe just use the one key), by POST ing at the customers object.

$ curl "" \
       -u sk_test_BQokikJOvBiI2HlWgH4olfQ2: \
       -d "description=Customer for" \
       -d "card=tok_1046XL2eZvKYlo2CsaCAcF5P"


-d is the argument for adding HTTP POST data in cURL. The presence of -d changes the verb to POST implicitly.

The response then gives the identifier of the created customer.

The main difference between this style of API and the others is that accessing a customer is not done by giving a parameter (eg. in a query argument), but by adding the object type and identifier in the URI. This example, also from the Stripe API docs, fetches a customer by GET ting a URI with the customer’s identifier.

$ curl "" \
       -u sk_test_BQokikJOvBiI2HlWgH4olfQ2:

The URL is built as object/identifier – customer 1 would be found at customers/1, customer foo would be found at customers/foo, and so on.

Performing actions on this particular customer becomes changing the HTTP verb from GET to the action you want. Stripe’s API uses POST for updating.

$ curl \
       -u sk_test_BQokikJOvBiI2HlWgH4olfQ2: \
       -d "description=Customer for"


There exists a PATCH verb which developers could implement for updating instead.

Deleting a customer uses the DELETE verb:

$ curl \
       -u sk_test_BQokikJOvBiI2HlWgH4olfQ2: \
       -X DELETE


Use of -X overrides the HTTP verb that cURL uses.

Real World Example: Tesla Model S

The Tesla Model S’ API mostly follows this system, where vehicles are referred to by ID in the URI, but a request to a function endpoint under that vehicle will perform an action.

You can fetch resources as you expect:

$ curl
   "gui_distance_units": "mi/hr",
   "gui_temperature_units": "F",
   "gui_charge_rate_units": "mi/hr",
   "gui_24_hour_time": false,
   "gui_range_display": "Rated"

Running functions (which, in this case, does something in the real world!) is also possible by POST requests:

$ curl -x POST
   "result": true,
   "reason": ""

Resources, not functions

The benefit of such a layout is that the reference to any particular object always stays the same. There is no ‘leaking through’ of the framework or the implementation, since you are sending data to a resource, not running a ‘function’ to mutate/query it.